Trauma Coaching

Let’s Re-Write Your Story!

Have you ever felt?

  • Shock: Feeling numb, disconnected, or in disbelief about what has happened.

  • Fear: Anxiety, panic attacks, or a heightened sense of vulnerability and danger.

  • Anger: Feeling rage toward the perpetrator, oneself, or the circumstances surrounding the trauma.

  • Guilt and Shame: Blaming oneself for the trauma, feeling ashamed or dirty, struggling with self-worth.

  • Sadness and Grief: Mourning for the loss of innocence, safety, or trust, as well as for any other losses associated with the trauma.

  • Isolation: Withdrawing from others, feeling misunderstood or unable to connect with people who haven't experienced similar trauma.

  • Flashbacks and Intrusive Memories: Reliving the traumatic event through nightmares, flashbacks, or distressing memories.

  • Hypervigilance: Being constantly on guard, easily startled, or having a heightened awareness of potential threats.

  • Difficulty Trusting: Struggling to trust others, including oneself, due to feelings of betrayal or vulnerability.

  • Physical Symptoms: Experiencing physical manifestations of stress such as headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, or fatigue.

  • Mood Swings: Fluctuating between different emotional states, feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

  • Difficulty Concentrating: Experiencing brain fog, memory lapses, or difficulty focusing on tasks.

  • Self-Destructive Behavior: Engaging in behaviors such as substance abuse, self-harm, or risky activities as a way to cope with emotional pain.

  • Hopelessness: Feeling like there is no way out of the pain or that healing is impossible.

Would you like?

  • Increased Self-awareness: Understanding your triggers and responses can help you feel more in control of your emotions and actions.

  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress: As you process and release trapped trauma, you may find a significant reduction in anxiety and stress levels.

  • Improved Emotional Regulation: You'll likely become better at managing your emotions and responding to situations in a calm and balanced way.

  • Enhanced Self-esteem and Self-love: Healing trauma often involves building a more positive relationship with yourself, leading to greater self-esteem and self-love.

  • Greater Sense of Peace and Contentment: Letting go of past hurts and traumas can bring a profound sense of inner peace and contentment.

  • Better Relationships: As you heal, you might notice improvements in your relationships, as you become more open, understanding, and communicative.

  • Increased Resilience: Healing can make you more resilient, helping you to cope with future challenges more effectively.

  • Physical Well-being: Emotional healing can positively impact your physical health, reducing symptoms of chronic stress and improving overall vitality.

  • Empowerment: Gaining tools to handle triggers and promoting a positive mindset can make you feel more empowered in your daily life.

  • Joy and Optimism: With the weight of trauma lifted, you may find it easier to experience joy and maintain an optimistic outlook on life.

These positive feelings can greatly enhance your quality of life and contribute to long-term emotional and physical well-being.

“It is ok to not know what you need”